Natural Frequency and Resonance
McKinsey & Company - Insights on Electric Power & Natural Gas
GEM Energy Analytics - Julien Jomaux
The Texas Energy and Power Newsletter
Climate Lab Book - Ed Hawkins
PSS/E Automation
PSCAD Auto Run (PCAR) Tool by Xiaoyu (Shawn) Wang
DPsim - Dynamic Phasor Simulator
ENTSO-E Transparency Platform
OpenNEM Australia
End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock --- IBPSA - USA Webinar
Demand-Side Grid (dsgrid) Toolkit - NREL
Open-source quality control routine and multi-year power generation data of 175 PV systems
RTE-France - Digital Fault Recording Database
Grid Event Signature Library (GESL)
The Public Utility Data Liberation (PUDL) Project
Major Event Analysis Reports - NERC
Power System Operating Incident Reports - AEMO
Power system model development - AEMO
Digital Fault Recorders in Power Plant Applications - EPRI
Load Modeling Task Force - NERC
Load Modeling Working Group - NERC
Inverter-Based Resource Performance Subcommittee (IRPS) - NERC
Inverter-Based Resource Performance Working Group (IRPWG) - NERC
Inverter-Based Resource Performance Task Force (IRPTF) - NERC
PSERC - Webinars
Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG)
Clean Energy Group / Clean Energy States Alliance
Stanford ENERGY
EMT Workshop - ORNL
Australian PV Institute
Pecan Street Project --- Reports, case studies, white papers and more.
STEPS: A Portable Dynamic Simulation Toolkit for Electrical Power System Studies ---- Related publication
ANDES - Symbolic power system modeling and numerical analysis in Python
CURENT - Large Scale Testbed
GridCal --- Recent release - Python Package Index (PyPI) --- Documentation
PyPSA Meets Earth
OpenOA Operational Analysis Framework
ParaEMT - An Open-Source Parallel EMT Simulation Framework
EV_sim - Simulating the power and energy demand of an electric vehicle (EV) during its drive cycle
Open Modelica --- Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica and OpenModelica
EPRI - Adaptive Protection and Validated MOdels to Enable Deployment of High Penetrations of Solar PV (PV-MOD)
Physical symbolic optimization -- A symbolic optimization package built for physics
Popular Open Source Libraries for Power System Analysis - Jinning Wang, Paulo Meira, Mohamed Numair
Electricity Map - A real-time visualisation of the CO2 emissions of electricity consumption --- git repo - Electricity Maps --- Electricity Maps blogs
Nipun Batra - Systems and Analytical Techniques Towards Practical Energy Breakdown for Homes --- PhD Thesis Presentation
Transition Zero - Solar Asset Mapper (TZ-SAM)
Global Solar Atlas
QuESt 2.0: Open-source Platform for Energy Storage Analytics
PyBaMM : Fast and flexible physics-based battery models in Python --- PyBaMM Tutorial - Youtube
liionpack: The lithium-ion battery pack simulator powered by PyBaMM
pypownet: A simulator for power (electrical) grids able to emulate a power grid (of any size or characteristics) subject to a set of temporal injections (productions and consumptions) for discretized timesteps.
Grid2Op: A testbed platform to model sequential decision making in power systems. --- L2RPN Challenge
PSP-UFU: Power System Platform of Federal University of Uberlândia
Grid Algorithms and Data Analytics Library (GADAL) - NREL
Historic Weather API - Open-Meteo --- Open-Meteo - latest developement in Open-Meteo project
Climate Reanalysis - Copernicus Climate Change Service
Reanalysis Webinar: Introduction, Reanalysis for Reforecast, and Emerging Commercial Applications
CAMS Solar Radiation Time Series